Maya's World

Friday, March 24, 2006

It's finally Friday!

It's finally Friday! i was so excited today that i woke up early! Mommy wasn't so excited, but Daddy got up and played with me. Mommy said something about my diaper, so Daddy changed it. She says she has a nose like Goliath (the dog) since baby has been in her. I don't like Mommy's nose now. So, i started playing this morning at 5:30 a.m. and i had to take a small break to eat and drink. Then something exciting happened. I went outside with Grandma to water the plants and I talked her into letting me play with the water. Okay, so i didn't talk her into it, more like I wiggled my way into the stream of water, then proceeded to freak out! That water got all over me and it was cold. I wanted to touch it, but after I did, i didn't like it. Grandma couldn't help but laugh at me. So, I laughed too. I got to breathe on the phone with Mommy. Mommy was talking to me, but, i was so excited that I couldn't say anything, but she did get to hear me breathe. Later i will see my Nino and Nina and cousin Noe for dinner. We'll see what Noe has to say for his exciting day!! LATER!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My tooth came in !!!

My mommy was so excited when i bit her finger, i thought she was going to cry again. We had an incident over the weekend when i was manuvering a secret ninja move that my friend Noah taught me and i hit mommy on her jaw and practically knocked her out. Noah, the move really can try it later. so, like i was saying, i thought mommy was going to cry again but she was happy to find a new tooth on the bottom. Daddy calls them my pearly whites, whatever....
i call them , Maya's secret weapons!!! Roar!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Day's off

Sorry that i have been gone for a while. It was my daddy's birthday and him and my mommy took a couple of days off of work to hang out with me. i didn't want to fall asleep, just in case they thought about leaving me again. i got to eat breakfast in bed with them. Although i was the only one eating (or shall i say drinking). i taught my mommy how to yell like me, she's smart so she picked it up quick. i crawled fast towards the door everytime they said "bye bye" just in case they thought about leaving me. it worked because they picked me up and put me in my car seat every time. i love going for rides in the Mini, but i can't remember half of the rides, i think i fall asleep, or they must drug me or something.... i got to hang out with cousin Noe again, he really does like to touch his pee pee. ..i don't get it... we talked a lot (me and my cousin). i didn't understand what he was saying, but we talked and screamed to each other. Oh yeah, the highlight of the weekend was i got my own cell phone. yup a real cell phone. it rings, it has buttons that light up, and i get unlimited minutes and texting ( i have to learn how to do that ) i know amazing for an 11 month old, but i am so hip, just ask my mommy. so call me anytime...i need to find out my number to give it out i guess. i just know that lily counts to 10 ...maybe that is my number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. i turn off the ringer to conserve my batteries so i'll check my voicemail later...peace out !!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I got to hang out with my cousin Noe. I gave him some toys to play with and he kept throwing them on the ground, so, i yelled at him. I don't think he understood me because he just stared at me. He's younger than me (by 3 weeks). Oh, and i have a new trick that Grandma loves. When she tries to put me in the stoller if i kick and wiggle i slide down the stoller. She loves it. She says things under her "hija de tu madre" which means daughter of your mother... uh yeah grandma, it's true. Let's see what new adventures come my way... playing with pots and pans? pouring sugar all over the floor? or getting into the diaper pail?......To be continued!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Today my friend gave me an idea ... to start this blog thing

My friend Noah, who i haven't met yet, gave my mom the idea of this blog thing for me...
so that i can share the complex mind of a 10 month old to the world. watch out world!!!
i like to eat these wheel things..they are good. they crunch fun!!
i like to be pushed around in my stroller's a real nice stroller. My dad says he wishes he could be pushed around in it too... i don't think we both would fit in it ...but we can try. i like birds alot and oh yeah, i only speak spanish .... but my mom translates everything for this blog thing. I really like hanging out with my cousins. I get to see my cousin Noe at least once a week and i get to yell at him. Grandma let's me. She loves me. Tia Tita says i should keep it down, but i am not sure what that means. i already crawl...that's down? more to come!!